Collation discrepencies between locales [was: Re: Bits from the release team: full steam ahead towards buster]
Peter Pentchev
2018-04-20 07:58:46 UTC
I now wondered if it's not only en_GB.utf8 which is "different", but also
the NZ and US variants sort like that (and so differently than C)... not
sure if en_FR.utf8 exist, but using it, it sorts differently / like C ;)
(probably because it doesnt exist, thus the default, C, is used.)
Indeed, it doesn't exist. At least , for fr_* locale, it seems to be
consistent both in the different charsets available (e.g. fr_FR and
fr_FR.UTF-8) and country (fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR and fr_LU).
Actually I thought the localization had been made consistently with the
apparition of unicode locales...
Oh, I do so love the (possibly unintended) phrase "the apparition of
unicode locales"!

Peter Pentchev ***@ringlet.net ***@FreeBSD.org ***@storpool.com
PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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Thomas Harding
2018-04-20 11:53:22 UTC
I now wondered if it's not only en_GB.utf8 which is "different",
but also
the NZ and US variants sort like that (and so differently than
C)... not
sure if en_FR.utf8 exist, but using it, it sorts differently / like
C ;)
(probably because it doesnt exist, thus the default, C, is used.)
Indeed, it doesn't exist. At least , for fr_* locale, it seems to be
consistent both in the different charsets available (e.g. fr_FR and
fr_FR.UTF-8) and country (fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR and fr_LU).
Actually I thought the localization had been made consistently with
apparition of unicode locales...
Oh, I do so love the (possibly unintended) phrase "the apparition of
unicode locales"!
So, after a so long service to the human being crew, that's time to introduce c_C and c_C.utf8 locale which would both compile^Wcomply with C(omputer's languages, habits and traditions).

Then, maybe, English spokers would understand they all speak a local English, and that their computer has it's own

(even iso639-2 and later 3 languages letters codification doesen't express any language variant --- or as exceptions. I was surprised as I formatted a csv version of iso639-2 around ?2000,2003? / trying to setup a Koha database for personal use / moreover the person at Library of Congress who was in charge never heard anything about computer parsing).
Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC